This website has been created to educate and inform people particularly students on how I played the Marketplace6 game and achieved a score of 22/25 (HD).

This game was played for the the undergraduate course, Marketing Princples, in Australia

The game I played compromised 6 quarters.

Tips Include:
-Open all sales offices earlier
-Make brands and adds targeting all Segments
-Make 3 brands for each segment, minimum
-More brands = higher market share
-Increasing your price and offering a rebate is better then a cheaper price
-Not everyone goes through with the rebate - increasing profits
-The more money you invest in the game the higher results you will make e.g. add placements
-Put more sales force in (I put 14 in each city, I suppose this was a bit to high)

How ever for my game my score card of quarter 7 only was used to allocate my grade (Quarter 6 decisions).

Please note that I will be going a quarter futher to get the results for my decision I made for each quarter, For example, if I create a brand in quarter 2 I will get the scores I achieved by these decision from quarter 3.

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  2. Utilizing the Facebook Marketplace you can sell, part with, purchase, ask or look for anything you need. marketplace

